B Robotics W

B Robotics W is the world’s leading manufacturer of automated oil and gas drilling rigs.  It’s most recent rig design, the Stargate Automated Hydraulic Rig, is unmatched in its ability to operate safer, faster, better, and cheaper.

Every element of the rig was engineered to reduce time to complete tasks, enhance safety, lower costs, and ensure operational efficiency and dependability in remote and harsh climates.

With the Stargate Rig, drilling and tripping speeds are faster and more efficient than a conventional rig, stoppages are fewer, transportation loads are smaller, fuel consumption is less, maintenance is simpler, and safety is vastly improved, resulting is more wells/feet drilled over time.

The key innovation that makes hands-free drilling possible is the replacement of the drawworks with long-stroke hydraulic cylinders, which are very precise, more powerful, more dependable, and safer. Hydraulic cylinders will not overheat or burn out, and operate in very cold and hot environments.

High-pressure gear pumps (412 bar), controlled by Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) modules and electric motors, are used to pump oil to the hydraulic cylinders. The pumps are rugged, highly dependable, require minimum maintenance, and are readily available.


The top drive, hydraulic power generators, and VFD inverters are constructed with water-cooled, explosion-proof electrical motors. This ensures they both operate efficiently and at optimum power. (Electric motors running at more than 110° F rapidly lose power, dropping to 65% efficiency at 150° F.)

B Robotics W rigs are designed to operate in severe hot and cold weather. Automation eliminates the need for workers on the drilling floor and monkeyboard. Cold water from chillers, and heated water in wintertime, ensure its rigs operate efficiency in all weather conditions.




Stargate Automated Hydraulic Drilling Rig

The Stargate Automated Hydraulic Drilling Rig, simply put, is the world’s most advanced drilling rig based on performance, safety, and cost savings.  The result?  Projects are completed faster, safer, and at lower cost, compared to conventional rigs.

Simplified Design

The rig’s design represents a giant leap forward in hydraulic drive simplicity. It’s long-stroke hydraulic cylinders (which replace the drawworks) are located horizontally in the substructure below the drilling floor, together with the hydraulic pumps, control elements, power unit, cooling system, and traveling and crown blocks.

The hoses, piping, and electrical wiring for the operation of the hydraulic cylinders remain permanently connected, including when moving the rig.  As a result, hydraulic issues, such as oil spills and bleeding hoses to remove air, are eliminated.  For rig up/down, it’s only necessary to make/break an electrical connection to a diesel generator.

The innovative design makes possible rig up/down (without camp) in 48 hours, compared to 10-12 days for a conventional rig. And only 28 loads (standard trailers) are needed to transport the rig (2000 hp), compared to 55-60 for a conventional rig.

The rig’s components are all self-unloading from trailers and are assembled without a crane or gin pole. Workers are never higher than six feet off the ground during rig assembly.

More Advantages

The Stargate Rig:

  • Trips up to 1.5 m/sec, almost three times faster than a conventional rig.
  • Handles three Range-2 or two Range-3 drill pipes/collars.
  • Has low and easy maintenance.
  • Contains backup systems for key components to minimize work stoppages.
  • Can build triples during cement hardening.
  • Automatically handles tubular sizes from 3½” to 20” on the roughneck, slips, and layup & down machine.
  • Is digitally controlled; can access remotely to reprogram/troubleshoot issues.
  • Equipped with 360° skidding system.
  • Is much quieter than a conventional rig; the noise level on the working floor is only 50-55 decibels, making it ideal for drilling near populated areas.

The Genesis Automated Hydraulic Drilling Rig, introduced in 2014, was designed from the ground up to be the most productive and safest rig in the world. Its many innovative engineering advances were incorporated into the Stargate Rig. Additionally, the hydraulic cylinders were relocated to the substructure, as well as the hosing, piping, and electrical wiring. The new design greatly facilitates rig up/down (under 28 hours) and reduces transportation loads to just to just 28 (all standard trailers).

  • Has three operational modes: full automation, semi-automation (completes several operations then stops), and manual (driller manually activates a switch/joystick to complete each action).
  • Automatically starts/stops pumps, breaks and makes connections, adds tubulars, increases/decreases the top drive rpm, weight on the bit, etc.
  • Allows the driller, at any time, to switch operations: full automation, semi-automation, or manual.
  • Is more precise than humans and not susceptible to fatigue.
  • Doesn’t require personnel on the working floor or monkeyboard during drilling and tripping, dramatically reducing the risk of an accident.
  • Workers do not have to climb higher than 6 feet for rig up/down; assembly is complete without cranes.
  • In the unlikely event of a catastrophic cable failure, a patented braking system automatically locks the top drive to the mast guides to prevent it from falling.
  • Cable failure is extremely low; the lifespan of the rig’s cables is rated at 15,000 hours (4-5 years).
  • Hydraulic cylinders have a fixed stroke; there’s no risk of the top drive hitting the crown block or working floor.
  • Only 3-4 workers needed to operate rig over a 12-hour period.
  • Consumes 20% less fuel (energy is recovered during tripping in, and electric motors are water-cooled to maintain efficiency).
  • Maintenance is very low and easy (example: rig’s 12 gear pumps have a single, easy-to-replace filter).
  • Hydraulic cylinders’ packing is rated at 15,000 hours, compared to a drawworks, which  has to be inspected daily, weekly, and monthly.
  • Easy to operate (typically can train driller in one week).
  • Can be moved short distances with mast up and tubulars in the monkeyboard.

Automation Components

Below are detailed descriptions of the key automation systems developed by B Robotics W.  Click an image to view information.

Automated Slips

Automated Monkeyboard

Automated Roughneck

Automated Layup/Down Machine

Automated Tubular Containers

B Robotics W

B Robotics W designs and manufactures oil and gas drilling rigs (mechanical and hydraulic), as well as reconditions and services rigs worldwide.

The company has a field-based understanding and appreciation of drilling equipment, having constructed and reconditioned complete rigs for nearly three decades.  Its engineers take pride in their design of equipment to ensure the highest level of safety, performance, and durability.  They also take into consideration the long distance that often exists between drilling fields and technical support.

The company, located near Piacenza, Italy, was founded in 1992 by Walter Bagassi, whose family has been in the oil drilling business for three generations.

Bagassi has degrees in aeronautical engineering and petroleum engineering. He worked at Gearhart-Owen as a logging engineer and later was promoted to Head of Operations in Riyad, Saudi Arabia. He also worked as Head of Operations in Sharjah, UAE.

From 1979-81, Bagassi helped develop the Gearhart MWD at Gerhart-Owen’s research center. He was the company’s Eastern Hemisphere and Middle East Commercial Director, based in Vienna, Austria, and in Milano, Italy.

After 16 years, Bagassi left Gerhart-Owen to work as a rig designer and commercial director of a rig manufacturing company. In 1992, he founded his own company, B Robotics W, which designed and developed the Genesis Automated Hydraulic Rig, the world’s first hands-free, automated drilling rig.




Contact Information

B Robotics W srl
Via Boscarella, 60
29010 Besenzone, Italy
(tel) 39-0523-832-185
