Automated Monkeyboard

The Automated Monkeyboard (AM), developed by B Robotics W, is the world’s first hands-free, automated pipe racking platform.  It eliminates the need for a derrickman, greatly enhancing safety, while increasing the speed of tripping in/out.

The Automated Monkeyboard’s design includes a patented hydraulic clamp that automatically centers on a tubular to ensure clamping on its center.

The AM can store three Range-2 drill pipes (triple) and operates hands free or can be manipulated in a semi-automatic mode from the driller’s control cabin. 

In semi-automatic mode, the driller turns a switch to initiate each step, from opening clamps on a trolley to grab a tubular, to its release and the withdraw of an arm from the finger and then  repositioning to grab the next tubular.

Racking Board Capacity

5″ OD DP 182 triple stands (5,023 meters)
Drill Collar 6½” OD 5 triple stands (136 meters)
Drill Collars 8″ OD 4 triple stands (110 meters)
Drill Collars 9″ OD 3 triple stands (83 meters)







The Automated Monkeyboard can be mounted on a conventional rig to boost safety, productivity, and lower costs.